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Once you learn how to identify and prioritize which needs to meet first.. everything aligns for your highest good in ways you can only imagine. -Tara Shannon



Q.)     Tara, I read the testimonials and everyone seems to have had such amazing transformations. How is what you do different from all of the therapeutic methods I've already tried- and found lacking?  What is your speciality? - Jelena

A.) Hi, Jelena. Yes, you're absolutely right and just like you, they’ve walked many different therapeutic paths. It's not that the different methods haven't served them or you, it’s more that we are all wonderfully complex and as we grow, we need to be fluid with new processes to keep up with our growth. Each methodology of your journey has led you to the next.  

When clients find me, it means they're usually ready for a very accelerated rate of growth on to the next higher level of understanding. If you feel this might be you, keep reading.

You become the How

Think of me as your spiritual couturier working with the most exquisite material in the world- your truth. Every experience that formed you, your woundings, dreams, rejections, beliefs, traumas, successes and heartbreaks, all hold priceless value. 

Your truth becomes the foundation of the most stunning, one-of a-kind, transformation into your authentic self, realized and lived. What you really need is exposed in stunning clarity. It stops hiding in the name of safety.     

             You become the What

For many, this is first true experience of unconditional love. Experiencing this in itself can be transformative. It often moves beyond words. Jelena, you can see why no single method, system or template can give this to you. This process has to be as  specific to you as your DNA and your soul. 

 This is the ultimate experience of what I teach. This is my speciality. I serve your authentic wholeness, not a dogma, system or method. Your truth guides the transformation. I guide you to your own truth.

You become the WHY

Stepping into your newly identified self can be the most exciting experience you'll ever have. You'll remember each exact moment you “get it.” The focus and dedication comes with a new ease and powerful joy.  Oh, once you decide this is what you want, in that instant, you become your own why. 

You realize that nothing outside of yourself can ever take it away because you understand that nothing outside of yourself could have ever given it to you. It was already there waiting for the day that you became ready to claim it.  You had it all along. Welcome to your authentic self.